Hey Warrior!

When you feel anxious, tell your fierce warrior you got this!

You’re about to do something brave.

When my son was little there was a time when he was really scared to go to school. It didn’t last very long, but it was intense. Sometimes he would get really anxious.

I had found an amazing book for kids about anxiety, courage and already being awesome. The story was about helping kids understand what is happening in their brain and body when they feel anxious, how a part of the human brain is designed to be with them and protect them all the time, and how they are meant to be in charge so they can go do amazing things.

One morning, as my son and I walked into school, his little hand slipped in mine. He gently pulled me to the bench in the school hallway and sat down behind me. I heard him whisper: “Mom, is this my amygdala? Is school safe?”

“Yes buddy, I promise you, school is safe.” I answered.

I heard him repeat: “School is safe”. He sat for a moment. He took a few deep breaths. Then he got up and walked into his classroom.

You can do amazing things when you understand how your brain works.

Here’s the thing.

Sometimes we have big feelings. They can feel scary, they can hurt, they can make you feel really small. You feel them in your body as energy or sensations. It can feel like there is an elephant sitting on our chest or you’re trying to move through quicksand. You can feel so small like no one can see you.

What happens when we feel anxious is our brain perceives the experience of big emotion as a threat. This response comes from a place of protective strength from within our brains–the amygdala–a tiny but fierce “warrior” that prepares us to fight or flee danger, even when we don’t want its protection.

When this part of your brain senses danger, it responds. It sends oxygen, hormones and adrenaline into your body. It sends fuel to your body to move faster, be stronger and more powerful. It’s a doer, not a thinker. It can’t tell the difference between real danger and big emotions, so it responds. Always. It takes over your breath, your heart rate, sends oxygen to your arms and legs, and leaves butterflies in your tummy on the way by.

Now, if you were in real danger, you have the ability to protect yourself.

If there is no danger, you are left to contend with this internal storm – which doesn’t feel so good – and the big emotion. It's like having a superpower, ready to protect you when you need it. But things run smoother when you’re in charge.

Tell your fierce warrior that you are okay – even when you have big feelings.

Because we all have big feelings.

And we’re not always in danger.

Sometimes you have big feelings – because you’re about to do something brave. Practice being the boss of your brain and let your warrior know when to stand down and relax through positive thinking and breathing exercises.

Here’s what to do when you feel anxious:

  1. Think powerful thoughts

  2. Take strong deep breaths

By understanding the physical science of anxiety and why your brain produces it, you can master it as a positive, friendly superpower.

The key is to practice when you’re calm because an anxious warrior is a busy warrior with laser focus on keeping you safe. Get to know the warrior inside you who’s always there to fight for you, believes in you, and listens to you – it will strengthen you from the inside out.

Here’s how to get to know your warrior:

Sometimes I might feel anxious when…

When I feel anxious, my amygdala…

If I am anxious, I might…

I can calm my amygdala by…

Now go be amazing!

The book is called Hey Warrior! written by Karen Young.

If you want to get the book, click here to land on her site.

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