
Mantra to Stay Anchored When In-Between

“Here is where hope has a chance to float up.”

Self-compassion is what makes things feel difficult, instead of impossible.

Being diagnosed with ‘cancer’ is a big deal, it’s like a mega challenge on your mind, your body, and your heart. And so, it’s a mega opportunity for growth and healing in the midst of self-compassion – right here at the heart of it.

This is the middle, the off-center, the in-between, where you find yourself in the midst of it all called life. And here is where you have the opportunity to feel better, to connect with how you are meant for more, to trust that you will eventually get there.

Here is where hope has a chance to float up.

Here is one of my most favorite quotes from the movie Hope Floats (I can still hear Sandra Bullock’s voice):

“Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.” 

― Steven Rogers, Hope Floats: The Screenplay

There is ambiguity when you set out on a journey because you don’t know what lies ahead. “What am I going to learn?” “More importantly, what am I going to learn about myself?”

There's a promise in ‘beginnings’ of new things to explore, new ways of seeing the world and yourself in it.

Beginnings are often scary because you don’t know what lies ahead, what you will encounter, what you’ll have to overcome.

And then, there’s hope (that’s the stuff that keeps us going), hope that you’ll feel better, hope that you’re meant for something, hope that you’ll eventually get there.

But sometimes you don’t know if you are at the beginning or at the end – often somewhere in between, where things get uncomfortable. The middle tends to feel unresolved, like you don’t know what you want to take away and what you want to leave behind.

You may even feel overwhelmed at times, when fog sets in and you can’t see your way… you want to scream, or run, or hide, or disappear because you just don’t know what to do next and you’re chased by pressure to figure it out.

On the surface, daily things may even be what put you over the edge, but when you zoom out and look below the surface, you see a different picture.

The diagnosis, treatment, appointments, self-care, schedule change or life-style change isn’t what caused this pressure… what causes you to feel so uncomfortable is what the change on the surface has triggered for you on the inside.

Think about it this way. Challenges are an inherent part of life. Everyone has them. Change is inevitable and we are continuously called to adapt – to try new things, to make mistakes, to resolve old things, to continually respond to the discomfort. But what if the challenge on the outside simply mirrored the conflict felt on the inside?

Then what?

Coaching is a step-by-step guide to navigate the in-between, a roadmap for letting go of what you no longer want to carry and choosing your way on purpose – from within.

You want to know more about how to navigate this off-center in-between? I’ve got you covered:

Sign up for a FREE Discovery Call and learn how to understand your journey from within. I promise you “Aha!” moments, practical strategies, short-term relief and long-term resilience. I can’t wait to help you get started.


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